The Papa Prayer
Larry Crabb
We’re learning how real our relationship with God is supposed to be and how we should talk to him like a close, dear friend. It seems in our theological, intellectual pursuit of knowing Him, we’ve missed this. Larry helps us get back on track with our Daddy.
Experiencing The Father's Embrace
Jack Frost
Jack Frost was a driven man, even in ministry, but it took him awhile to realize how much God really, really loved him. It changed his whole life, his relationship with his family and opened the floodgates of his ministry.
Experiencing God
Henry T. Blackaby & Claude V. King
We come to know God in a more intimate way by experiencing God at work through us.
Ruthless Trust
Brennan Manning
Being fully present in the now is perhaps the premier skill of the spiritual life. Unwavering (ruthless) trust is a rare and precious thing because it demands a degree of courage that borders on the heroic
Secrets of the Secret Place
Bob Sorge
God on Mute
Pete Grieg
A profound, deep-seeking book about unanswered prayer which will help anyone who has been mad at God.