The Northwest Arkansas Roundtable is hosting four Guide Gatherings throughout the Journey year. The first is held at the beginning of the new groups, and the other three follow at ninety day intervals. All past Guides, current Guides and potential Guides are invited to attend.

We believe these Gatherings are a critical component of the Influencer ministry and that they need to be conducted in every region of the country where the ministry has been planted. There are five main purposes of these Gatherings.

  1. Guides must be connected to the ministry and to each other. Without this connection, a Guide is much more at risk of being successfully attacked by our enemy. There is strength in numbers, and our enemy will do everything possible to isolate a man. We must not let this happen to our Guides. Gatherings are designed to help create a “Band of Brothers” who know each other, who pray for each other and who support each other.
  2. Each Guide must continue his own personal journey to learn more about God and experience Him in deeper intimacy. The Gatherings provide an excellent opportunity to present solid food to our Guides each time we gather together.
  3. Roundtables are the “guardians of the Influencer DNA”. We must constantly expose our men to the core values and principles of being a Guide. This is the only way that we ensure that The Journey is being faithfully presented to each Journey Group. Our DNA must be transferred to new Guides and re-enforced continually in experienced Guides.
  4. Guides need to share life change stories from their groups with other Guides. We need to celebrate together these stories and thank our Lord for being invited to share in His work. Guides also need to share “best practices” with each other as a means of becoming stronger Guides. We always need to be continual learners so that we may serve the men in our groups better.
  5. All Guides need to be encouraged to see that they are part of something much larger than themselves and their group. Gatherings are deigned to share this vision and keep Guides updated on how God is using Influencers throughout our nation and the world.