The Influencers are men who have discovered that Intimacy with Christ and a daily abiding in Him is the path to being a true spiritual leader in the home, church and marketplace.

The Influencers was founded as a faith-based organization in Northwest Arkansas in 2001 by author and Christian businessman Rocky Fleming. The ministry was established because a group of businessmen, who were highly committed to their Christian faith, desired to impact their world around them, by taking this ministry’s message to men in the marketplace.

This is done through “Journey Groups” which is led by a “Guide”. A Guide takes men through a 10-month process with the goal of helping men find a deeper intimacy with Jesus Christ. Once these men have found this treasure, they, in turn, are encouraged to help other men, by facilitating new Journey Groups. This replication process is integral to the success of our mission.

Although initially targeted to the marketplace, The Influencers ministry is also intended to be a service to the local church, by equipping men to be a more vital part of the church as a spiritual leader. We desire that our “men of influence” embrace their world with a sacred responsibility by becoming a positive impact in their homes, their churches, their neighborhoods, their workplace and eventually to the rest of the world around them.

Groups are forming in many parts of the country. We initially started in NW Arkansas, and it rapidly spread to other parts of the nation. From Arkansas to California to Missouri to Oklahoma, new Journey Groups have been birthed, and have now begun to reproduce. See the Locations page to view locations of current groups. If God so allows, our vision is to expand this ministry and to see it taken to all parts of the world.