On our Journey to Intimacy with Christ, one of the key components in helping men get to this place is Journaling. This is a foreign concept to most men. They either think this practice is something for women, who have kept diaries since they were little girls or they feel it is something for creative writers or those who have a lot to say. However, we believe Journaling is a gift from God to men. As you know, men are famous for internalizing most of their thoughts, keeping them hidden in the deep recesses of their hearts. Journaling is a way to help men get those issues out of their heart and onto the altar before God. Many men have told us what a release it has been to write down on paper their innermost thoughts. God wants us to slow down, be still for a few moments with Him, and just like He instructed countless men from Moses to Paul, He wants us to write down the revelations He gives us. You’ll find that God wants to minister to you through this in a very profound way. Just try it.

For an in-depth look at journaling, download the Journaling 101 document here.